
How to Make a Scorpio Male Feel Heartbroken

Scorpio males are known for their emotional intensity and passion. While they may come across as tough and unfeeling on the outside, they are actually incredibly sensitive on the inside. They have a way of getting under your skin and making you feel things that you never thought possible. So, how do you make a Scorpio male feel heartbroken?

1. Lie to him

Scorpio men are incredibly protective of their emotions and trust. They do not take kindly to being lied to or deceived. If you want to make a Scorpio man feel heartbroken, all you need to do is lie to him. It doesn't matter how small or big the lie is, he will find out eventually, and it will crush him.

2. Betray him

If you want to break a Scorpio man's heart, then betraying him is one of the best ways to do it. Scorpio men are incredibly loyal to those they care about. If you break their trust or betray them, they will feel a deep sense of pain and hurt that can take a long time to heal.

3. Play games

Scorpio men are not interested in playing games when it comes to matters of the heart. They want honesty, integrity, and authenticity. If you try to play games with them, they will see right through you, and it will only serv【新良星座】e to hurt them more.

4. Disrespect him

Scorpio men demand respect from those around them, especially from their partners. If you disrespect a Scorpio man, he will not tolerate it for long. He will feel deeply hurt that you do not value him enough to show him the respect he deserves.

5. Take him for granted

Scorpio men are incredibly generous and loving partners. They will go out of their way to do anything for the people they love. However, if you take a Scorpio man for granted, he will feel deeply hurt and unappreciated. He wants to feel valued and loved, just like anyone else.

In conclusion, if you want to make a Scorpio man feel heartbroken, then lying to him, betraying him, playing games, disrespecting him, and taking him for granted are all ways to do it. However, it is important to remember that Scorpio men are incredibly sensitive and emotional creatures. Hurting them will not bring any joy or satisfaction. It is always better to treat them with respect and kindness, and they will do the same for you.
