
Dear Cancer,

As someone who knows y【紫云星座】ou well, I know how much your caring nature, your loyal heart, and your natural ability to nurture anyone around you can be both a strength and a weakness. You have a gift for making others feel loved and cared for, even when they don't deserve it. You have a heart that is always open and always willing to give. You are the glue that holds your family and friends together, and you always put their needs before your own. But sometimes, Cancer, you forget to take care of yourself.

You work hard to make sure everyone around you is happy and healthy, but you neglect your own needs in the process. You put up walls around yourself to protect your sensitive heart, but those walls only make it harder for others to reach you. You fear rejection and betrayal, but your fear can sometimes keep you from taking risks and pursuing your dreams.

I want you to know, dear Cancer, that you are worthy of love and happiness. You deserve to be surrounded by people who appreciate your nurturing spirit and your compassionate heart. You deserve to have someone who sees through your walls and accepts you for who you are. You deserve to pursue your passions and live a life that makes you happy.

So, this is my love letter to you, Cancer. I want you to know that you are loved and appreciated for who you are. I admire your strength, your determination, and your unwavering loyalty. I promise to be patient with your walls and to help you break them down when you are ready. I promise to be your ally and your supporter, and to help you pursue your dreams. I promise to love you for who you are and to never take your presence in my life for granted.

Thank you, Cancer, for being the person you are. You have a heart that is pure and strong, and you make the world a better place just by being in it.

With all my love,

[Your name]
